About Our Consultants

A Diverse Team of EDI Specialists

Our network of expert consultants come with different specialities, backgrounds, areas of expertise, and talents. Our team brings these consultants together to provide a well-rounded set of EDI consulting services for your organisation.


Senior Consultants


Average Years Experience

Founding Partner

Meet Nneka

Nneka MacGregor

Founder & Managing Partner

Nneka MacGregor is our Founder and Managing Partner. 

Nneka has over 30 years of senior management, entrepreneurial, nonprofit, and governance experience at both a national and international level. She has co-founded an international multi-million dollar pharmaceutical research and training corporation, and co-founded a one-of-a-kind national nonprofit organisation with over 3000 members.

She currently and previously has sat on boards and committees for the Government of Canada, the United Nations, and multiple regional government organisations, as well as serving as a board member & past Chair of a top Canadian private school.

Her experience as a consultant has spanned multiple industries including pharmaceutical, legal, NGO, government, entertainment, home care, advertising, publishing, and more.

“Equity, diversity, and inclusion are the pillars of building a sustainable, modern workplace.”

Schedule a 30 Minute Introductory Call with One of Our Consultants!

Discuss our unique EDI services with one of our consultants with a complimentary introductory call. We will discuss your organisation, your stakeholders, your pain points, your needs, and how our services can support your growth.